Kingdom Purpose
Every January you can find me back at the beginning … of my Bible! Despite growing up in church, I was in my thirties before I read the Bible completely through, cover to cover. At that time I had three small children, and it took me three years. Since then, I have not been able to keep my nose out of it! Reading God’s Word each day has become a necessity in my life, and an appetite that I cannot satisfy. The living, active Word of God is powerful nourishment and knowledge that I rely on deeply.
So it is no surprise that this month finds me once again in the book of Genesis. The stories in that book read like a novel, with interesting characters and unexpected twists; and while I have read the stories many times before, the Holy Spirit seemed to shine a light on this quote from Isaac’s wife, Rebekah. “If it is so [that the Lord has heard our prayer], why am I like this?” Here is the quote in context:
And Isaac prayed much to the Lord for his wife because she was unable to bear children; and the Lord granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife became pregnant. [Two] children struggled together within her; and she said, if it is so [that the Lord has heard our prayer], why am I like this? And she went to inquire of the Lord.
Gen. 25:21-22 (AMP)
Her question jumped off the page at me, and I wondered how I had missed it so many times. It is the same question I have asked in my heart time and again, and maybe you have too. If the Lord has heard my prayer, if the Lord has answered my prayer, if this (fill in the blank) thing is from the Lord, then why am I like this? Why is this happening to me? Why are things going this way? If this is your plan, Lord, then why am I in this situation?
When Rebekah brought her question to the Lord, He answered her by saying,
The Lord said to her, [The founders of] two nations are in your womb, and the separation of two peoples has begun in your body; the one people shall be stronger than the other, and the elder shall serve the younger.
Gen. 25:23 (AMP)
The Bible does not tell us Rebekah’s reaction to this news. She and her husband Isaac had been praying for a child and the Lord answered their prayer by blessing them with two. But this pregnancy was bigger than just two bouncing baby boys bringing all the joy that new babies bring. Their answered prayer was about more than Isaac and Rebekah’s happiness, more than how they would be cared for in their old age, and who would be their heirs. It was even about more than taking away the stigma and shame of barrenness. These children were the beginning of two entire nations. What’s more, the two boys were not strangers to God. God already knew who they were and had planned their destiny; and the future he had designed for them was part of His kingdom plan.
We all forget so easily that God says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts” (Is. 55:9 AMP). We often pray for things that will make our life better, make things easier, or make us happier. But when God answers prayer He has kingdom plans and purposes in mind!
When Rebekah asked, “Why am I like this?” she may have thought God did not answer her prayer correctly. Surely if this was an answered prayer and a blessing from the Lord then she should be feeling great, feeling happy, and not feeling discomfort or pain.
Through times of uncertainty, questioning, and difficult circumstances, the challenge for all of us is to trust that, as Moses said to the children of Israel, “He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just (Deut. 32:4).” God is perfect in all His works and in all His ways. When He answers prayer He does it on purpose, with kingdom purpose in mind, and with purpose that transcends our immediate situation. God has awesome plans, perfect plans, and while I may not understand them I am grateful that His perfect plans include me! I hope you will join me today in thankfulness for every answered prayer, and remember all the times He has come through in your life. Our answered prayers have Kingdom Purpose!
As for God, his way is perfect, the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God?
II Sam. 22:31-32, Ps. 18:30-31 (AMP)