Let the Holy Spirit Work

As a preacher’s kid I always felt as if I was born right in the church.  In fact, my earliest memory is from church:  being asked how old I was as my mother dropped me off in the nursery on the second floor.  I happily held up two fingers then joined my friends in the songs and projects of the morning.  Lately, I may not be able to remember to start the dishwasher, but I remember that Sunday!


This verse from I Thessalonians is also etched in my earliest memories.


“Do not quench (suppress or subdue) the Holy Spirit.”

I Thess. 5:19 (AMP)


 It seemed to be quoted often, but my understanding of it was limited.  My (slightly) older self has a much deeper understanding of this verse.

The more time I spend reading and studying the Bible the more I see and understand it as one coherent book.  All the books, indeed all the verses, are connected to each other and because of their connection are also dependent on each other.  In my study Bible, “Do not quench the Spirit,” is cross-referenced to, “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God” (Eph. 4:30).  To further illustrate their connectedness, both verses appear within passages of how we should, as Christians, behave and how we should act toward other people.  Our speech should build up others and not harm them, we should get rid of anger and be kind and compassionate as Christ was and is to us.  We should live in peace, help the weak, be patient, joyful, and prayerful.  When we consider the context of these verses, a logical deduction is that when we do not show love to others, that amazing love of Christ that rises above and wins in every situation (I Corinth. 13), we are putting a lid on the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and that behavior grieves Him.


“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Against such things there is no law.”

Gal. 5:22-23


There are moments, often multiple moments within the course of one day, where we make split-second decisions on how to act.  Let’s make no mistake, these are our own decisions, and we make them on purpose.  Often we know the godly response, the loving, patient, kind, fruit of the Spirit response, but we choose to speak or act out of anger, pride, or self-preservation instead.  In doing so we quench the work and the expression of the Holy Spirit.


My deeper, more mature understanding has heightened my awareness.  I love to make people happy, by meeting needs and keeping peace.  I avoid unpleasantness, discomfort, displeasure, and disharmony.  If that is my normal course when dealing with people, how much more should I regard the Holy Spirit?  Grieving Him now grieves me.


I want the Holy Spirit to continue His work in me.  I am trying to pause before those split-second decisions.  If I want the fruit of the Holy Spirit to grow in me so that the fruit is visible to those around me and not merely seeds planted in my heart, then I must choose to act and respond in His way.  My knee-jerk responses too often put a lid on and damper the work of the Holy Spirit which is ultimately grievous to Him.  The more often I choose to show love to others, show them the fruit that the Holy Spirit is developing in me, the more fruit that will grow. 

“You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed and placed and purposefully planted you, so that you would go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit will remain and be lasting, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name [as My representative] He may give to you.”  John 15:16 (AMP)


Today, I pray that you too will give room to the Holy Spirit to do His work in your life.  Allow Him to nudge you, direct you, and prompt you throughout your day.  He is everywhere, involved in everything, and desires to be working in our lives without limit.  When those split-second moments of decision come into your day, do not quench His work in your life, but give Him full freedom of expression through you.  You will not be disappointed at the results!


Not Just Yesterday, Not Just Today . . .


The Refreshing Word of God