Work Space

I just finished a sewing project for my daughter.  My sewing machine is set up in my laundry room.  There is just enough room for my legs to fit when I slide my hard plastic folding stool up to the counter where it sits.  My purse, the trash can, miscellaneous cleaning products, receipts and grocery lists, not to mention actual laundry, all has to be moved out of the way to make room to sew.  And because sewing requires ironing, the ironing board is also jammed in that space so it only partially blocks the door.  This project was difficult, above my beginner skill level, which was made exponentially more frustrating by the lack of adequate space to work.


To contrast, a few years back I purchased a perfect writing desk second-hand, and I remember how I felt when I moved it into place.  What bliss to have my own desk, my own space to sit and listen to God speak to my heart, space to research and write, space to work!  I know I am not the only one who has longed for more space, more margin, more room.  The book of Chronicles includes the prayer of an honorable man from the tribe of Judah named Jabez.  He was so desperate for more room that he cried out to God, and God heard his cry.


“Jabez cried to the God of Israel, saying, ‘Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and You would keep me from evil so it might not hurt me!’  And God granted His request.”  I Chron. 4:10 (AMP)


This prayer of Jabez illustrates my sentiments perfectly.  Cramped spaces frustrate me.  I have difficulty living in spaces that are cluttered and crowded, and working in those conditions is almost impossible.  Adequate room in which to live and work equals peace for my mind and spirit. 

Lately, my prayers have included this declaration to the Lord: “Lord, I give you room to move in, room to live, and room to work in my life.”  I know there is work He wants to do in me and through me. I have asked the Lord for help and courage to pull up my tent pegs, stretch out my curtains and cords, pull them taut so there is no slack, and to pound my pegs firmly into a new place (Isaiah 54:2).  The place where I am in my spiritual walk with the Lord is no longer adequate for me.  I find myself wanting more.  And, while the pulling up of tent pegs, the stretching of boundaries and pulling of the ropes is painful to the fabric of my life, it is necessary so my tent is enlarged and there is room for God to both live and work in my life. 


To be honest, I really do not need much room to live, to exist.  If I have oxygen, food, and shelter I could make it.  But do not expect me to get anything done.  Existence is all I can manage, and I do not want to limit God to a small existence in my life.  A grand work space with a large desk, a finely appointed space free of clutter and unnecessary distractions, a place where He can create and accomplish the work only He can accomplish in and through my life is my goal. 

Are you feeling the same discomfort in your life?  Is the Holy Spirit shining His light into your life and illuminating clutter, obstacles, and distractions that need to be moved out?  Are you ready to spare no cost or effort, but instead to allow the pulling up of your tent pegs?  Are you ready to stretch, to grow, to have new stakes put in the ground resulting in a spacious place for God to do all He has planned for your life?  It is time to make more room! It is time to give God more and more space to not merely exist in our lives, but to move in and have space to work. Your prayer for God to move in and work in your life is a prayer He will hear and answer, just like He did for Jabez. God is ready to get to work in and through us!


“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.”  Isaiah 54:2 (NIV)




Everyday Obedience